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G. Votsis, A. Drosopoulos, G. Akrivas, V. Tzouvaras, and Y. Xirouhakis
An MPEG-7 Compliant Integrated System for Video Archiving, Characterization and Retrieval
IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2000
The archiving, characterization and retrieval of audiovisual material, stored in multimedia databases, are tasks of paramount importance mainly due to the large amount of information involved. Present work introduces an integrated system for video archiving, annotation and retrieval, developed for the Greek Ministry of Press and Mass Media. The particular system is made compliant with the MPEG-7 formalism and employs a graph-based approach to ensure data integrity.
01 November , 2000
G. Votsis, A. Drosopoulos, G. Akrivas, V. Tzouvaras, and Y. Xirouhakis, "An MPEG-7 Compliant Integrated System for Video Archiving, Characterization and Retrieval", IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2000
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