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A. Drosopoulos and Stefanos Kollias
Object Localization in a Virtual Studio Environment
International Conference From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, IC-SCCE, Athens Greece, September 2004
After their introduction and rapid development during the last few years, virtual studios are prevailing in the entertainment industry. This paper extends previous work that has presented a unique algorithm for the construction of a virtual set‘s blue screen, along with an efficient optical camera tracking system that overcomes the disadvantages of the electromechanical ones. It allows for the robust and precise estimation of the camera motion parameters in real time. Building on this framework, we provide a methodology for localization and tracking of natural objects that stand or move in the virtual set, in order to allow interaction with the synthetic world and other synthetic objects that can be added at any time. Localization is based on the estimation of the camera motion parameters of at least two cameras and the perspective projection of the object on the corresponding frames. In cases of multiple objects and cases of partial or, temporarily, total occlusion of an object, active contours are utilized to separate, track and predict the position and movement of each one.
08 September, 2004
A. Drosopoulos and Stefanos Kollias, "Object Localization in a Virtual Studio Environment", International Conference From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, IC-SCCE, Athens Greece, September 2004
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